Saturday, January 25, 2020

Lessons Found in Beauty and the Beast Essay -- Fairytales Essays Beaut

Lessons Found in Beauty and the Beast   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once upon a time?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The classic opener for any fairy tale, which is no different in the case of Beauty and the Beast. Fairy tales were meant to teach our children life lessons that society, at the time, deems important to learn. They teach us the difference between right and wrong, black and white, good and bad, light and dark, and beautiful and ugly. There are many different variations and names to Beauty and the Beast. This famous fable has been passed down and integrated into our culture time and time again, each time adding different lessons that were thought to be important in that day and age. What has changed over the years? How have the fairy tales of Beauty and the Beast affected the children of yesterday, today and tomorrow? I hope to show how fairy tales, more importantly Beauty and the Beast, is helpful to children in many ways, but mostly by teaching them the way that they should act in society. There are three very important lessons that Beauty and the Beast teaches us. First, and probably, the biggest one, is that beauty is only skin deep. It is what is on the inside that counts. Second, which ties in with the first lesson is, don't be too greedy because you will only be looking for the beauty on the out side. Finally, do unto others as you would have done to you, this will make you beautiful on the inside were it counts. In this paper I am going to take a look at two versions of Beauty and the Beast. Although The Lady and the Lion and Beauty and the Beast are very different, the base story is there. True beauty is determined by what is on the inside and not on the outside. In addition vanity and riches will not make you happy. Finally, to be truly beautiful you must treat people how you would want to be treated. Before I get into those versions of Beauty and the Beast, I want to talk about those who don?t think this fairy tale should be seen or heard by children. One version of this tale is by none other than Disney. Kathi Maio said, ?Disney?s version features a beast who looks ugly and acts even uglier? What a heart-warming fable! Why it?s a regular training film for the battered women of tomorrow!? (194). At first I thought, wow she has issues, but when I looked deeper I found what she meant. Not to say that I agree with her by any means. It is a fairy tale for a reason! These things... ...because of the fear that fairies will come after me and turn me into a beast or a statue. (Which if you think about it would be very scary, seeing a something with wings and a wand flying at you.) I just feel that if you want to be treated well, you should treat others well. This was most likely imbedded into me through fairy tales just like Beauty and the Beast. As you can see from only two very short versions of this fairy tale that the values in it are virtues that we should all have. This fairy tale has been passed down for many generations and with each year it grows and adapts to society, but the bases for this story stay true. You can?t judge a book by its cover. The truth is it is what is on the inside that counts, which leads to the next lesson; that being greedy will not make you happy. For everything you get that you think will make you happy, you will only find that you are unhappier than before. This flows nicely into the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have done to you, and this will bring you true happiness. I believe that this is a great fairy tale and the values it teaches are even better. My children will know the story of Beauty and the Beast well.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Macbeth and Macduff Essay

Macbeth explains that Lady Macbeth hates her weak self. â€Å"Make thick me blood. † (1:5:44). Lady Macbeth wants to feel no emotion; she wants to stop being a woman and become a more dominant factor. In this case she wants to become a man. Shakespeare supports his explanation by asking Lady Macbeth ask the spirits to change her, â€Å"Come to my woman’s breast/ and take y milk for gall. (1:5:48-49), she doesn’t want what she has because it is of no longer use to her â€Å"gall†. The author’s purpose it to inform that Lady Macbeth is the true killer and is using Macbeth as a puppet. The author writes in a dominant tone to show Lady Macbeth’s feeling toward change. First, Shakespeare portrays an ominous image in Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy, â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse. †(1:5:37-38). She talks of the future death of the king. The Raven being the messenger who announces death. The cacophonous word â€Å"hoarse† portrays the raven’s speech and harsh tone of voice. Then, there is a tip in the balance of the hegemonic structure in the play. â€Å"That my keen knife see not the wound it makes. †(1:5:51). Lady Macbeth knows hat she is not supposed to have a â€Å"keen knife†, perhaps not a knife at all. A woman, in her right place, should not be keen. She must submit and let her husband have all the control. Where as Lady Macbeth wants to be the one with all the power. The cacophonous diction that Shakespeare uses for the Lady Macbeth. That tend on mortal Ruiz2 thoughts† (1:5:40). Lady Macbeths uses the harsh â€Å"t† expresses her self loathing toward her self and her weakness. â€Å"Nor keep peace between† (1:5:45). There is an eerie â€Å"e† sound portrayed in this line. Shakespeare’s Macbeth portrays the dominance women have. The dominance and the plan that Lady Macbeth has over her own husband. She uses this power to her advantage. Throughout the play Shakespeare reveals through more images of Lady Macbeth’s dominant power.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Summary Of Twelve Years A Slave By Solomon Northup

As American’s our country’s history has been drilled into our education. There are many things to make us proud, as well as ashamed. An atrocious attribute to our country’s past is slavery. Slavery not only happened in America but in numerous countries for far too long. So many people of color were discriminated, abused, abducted and often times killed without remorse. There are millions of individuals, who if were still alive today, could identify with each of those things stated above and tell their own story. One person who would proudly protest their unfortunate experience would be a man by the name Solomon Northup. He wrote a memoir addressing his oppressors and coming clean with all the unjust actions that had taken place. In his book Twelve Years a Slave, the role of religion was very evident not only in his own life, but the lives of the people who played a role in his captivity in slavery. Religion is portrayed in several different perspectives throughou t Twelve Years a Slave. Northup uses this important common ground to cultivate the true relationship between slave and owner. By frequently visiting the topic of faith a realization can be made that both parties are indeed human, this further sheds light on the injustices of Northup’s 12 years in slavery. It has been widely known that slaves were very spiritual people. Throughout their struggles and hardships, they depended on their faith to help them make it through. One can find evidence of this in many hymnsShow MoreRelatedTwelve Years a Slave Film Adaptation655 Words   |  3 PagesTwelve Years A Slave is a 2013 film adaptation of a slave narrative of the same name that was written by Solomon Northup. The main characters Solomon/Platt, Patsey and Edwin Epps are played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, Lupita Nyongo and Michael Fassbender respectively. Directed by Steve McQueen, the movie directs the attention of the reader on the servile life in the South of the United States before the Civil War. Solomon Nyong’o is a free slave from the State of the New York, upon invitation he goes toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie 12 Years A Slave By Steve Mcqueen1396 Words   |  6 Pages The movie 12 Years a Slave, directed by Steve McQueen, depicts a free black man, Solomon Northup, from New York who was drugged and kidnapped in order to be sold into slavery in the pre-Civil War South. The movie is filled with powerful scenes and moments of tension that portray the cruel, gruesome years that millions of slaves experienced. For the next twelve years of Solomon’s life, the movie illustrates how he became a piece of property under several different masters. Solomon spent the bulkRead More Summary of Twelve Years a Slave Essay5063 Words   |  21 PagesSummary of Twelve Years a Slave Solomon Northup was born a freeman. On Christmas day, 1829, Northup married Anne Hampton. He was about twenty one years old and decided to enter upon a life of industry so that he could help support him and his wife. He first was employed with others repairing the Champlain Canal. By the time the Canal was finished Northup purchased a pair of horses and other things necessarily required in the business of navigation. He hired several men to help him and he